Bahar E Shariat In Hindi Language

Read Bahare Shariat (10 parts) book reviews & author details and more at Hardcover; Publisher: Qadri Kitab Ghar (2013); Language: Hindi; ASIN:.

Bahar e Shariat| Aala Hazrat| English| PDF • 1. 1 BAHAAR -E- SHARIAT By Khalifa-e-Aala Hazrat Sadrush Shariah Badru Tariqat Allama Amjad Ali Qaaderi Razvi (alaihir Rahma) Translated by a humble servant of Allah Muhammad Afthab Cassim Razvi Noori PUBLISHED BYImam Mustafa Raza Research Centre Durban - South Africa • 2 A FEW BLESSED WORDS. By Taajush Shariah Hazrat Allama Mufti Mahammed Akhtar Raza Khan Qadri Azhari Qibla I came to know during my stay in South Africa that my Azeez Maulana Afthab Cassim Razvi has translated the very knowledgeable work of Sadrush Shariah Maulana Amjad Ali Razvi (alaihir rahma), namely the?BAHAAR-E-SHARIAT? (Part One) to English.

May Allah bestow him more to do such good work for promoting the Maslak of the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaat. May Allah be with him in his way and help him and reward him for his good deed and May Allah accept his endeavor. May Allah make the people gain more knowledge through this knowledgeable work. May Allah keep the Sunnis with the vestiges of the Pious. TRANSLATOR?S NOTEAll Praise is due to Almighty Allah. Countless Durood and Salaams upon the Mostbeloved Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).?Bahaar-e-Shariat?

Was written in India by Allama Sadrush Shariah (radi Allahu anhu)who is the Khalifa of Aala Hazrat Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu).Bahaar-e-Shariat is an one of the most authentic books in the Urdu language on thetopic of Fiqh after the distinguished Fatawa Razvia. Bahaar-e-Shariat is made up of 18bulky chapters. Before you, is the first chapter of Bahaar-e-Shariah which deals withAqida (Proper Islamic Belief).

Many friends and associates have requested that Itranslate the first chapter of Bahaar-e-Shariat into the English language. Alhumdulillahthrough the blessing of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)?Bahaar-e-ShariatPart One?

Bahar E Shariat In Hindi Language

Is before you. There are certain issues discussed in the Kitaab which will notbe easily understood by the general public.

It is for this reason that they have beensimplified for understanding purposes. After the presentation of the Aqida, you will findsentences in italics. These are explanations which I have presented for the purpose ofunderstanding.I pray that Almighty Allah accepts this book in His Majestic Court throughthe Sadqa of Nabi-e-Mukarram (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). I thank Allah through thewasila of Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and my Great Masha?ikh forblessing me with the courage to complete this book.Sag-e-?Mufti-e-Azam?Muhammad Afthab Cassim Razvi NooriImam Mustafa Raza Research Centre? • 3 CONTENTSTranslator?s NoteAllama Sadrush Shariah (radi Allahu anhu)A Few Blessed words by Taajush Shariah QiblaBeliefs concerning Allah?s Being & Attributes?Beliefs concerning Prophethood (Nabuiwat)?The Angels?Jinns?Aalam-e-Barzakh?The Hereafter & Resurrection?Jannat (Paradise)?Dozakh (Hell)Imaan & Kufr?Misguided & Corrupt SectsCorrupt Qadiani BeliefsCorrupt Raafzi (Shia) Beliefs?Corrupt Wahabi BeliefsGhair Muqalideen?Imaamat (Proper Religious Leadership)Wilaayat • 4 HAZRAT ALLAMA SADRUSH SHARIAH (RADI ALLAHU ANHU)He was born in 1296 A.H.